Dealing with Schizophrenia: Early Signs
To help in dealing with Schizophrenia, this article is a first-hand account of a schizophrenic. It also includes early signs of schizophrenia
To help in dealing with Schizophrenia, this article is a first-hand account of a schizophrenic. It also includes early signs of schizophrenia
Bhagavad Gita not only takes people towards Moksha, but it also teaches how to live in society. This post contains the teachings of Bhagavad Gita
According to the Bhagavad Gita, there are three types of food in Hinduism. The post talks about these food types and their effects on soul.
How to dress properly? This post tells you about clothes, their colors, and the style to be used when using them
How to walk properly? We explain foot positioning, walking pace, heel sounds, etc. Do you know your pace of walking indicates your mood?
The post explains how to meditate using Muni Patanjali’s techniques (Yoga Sutras). It explains sitting postures, breathing, & concentration
Anulom vilom pranayam is one of the many types of pranayama. It helps in purification of the mind so that you can practice yoga.
What is yoga? What is discipline of spirit in yoga? Austerities, afflictions in yoga, and their remedies explained in this post.
What is the discipline of yoga? How is it different from types of Yoga? The post based on Patanjali Yoga sutras explains the discipline.
What is real yoga, according to Patanjali? Yoga schools teach exercises but is that Yoga? We talk about real yoga in this post.
Who is the father of yoga? This post talks about Muni Patanjali who wrote yoga sutras that guide aspiring yogis today.
What is karma in real? There is no one karma-cleansing prayer. How to do karma cleansing? The post talks about how to get rid of bad karma.
Teachings of Sri Ramakrishna: What is the way forward for people willing to renounce the world? This post explains Sri Ramakrishna’s thoughts
This post on the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna focuses on his women devotees. It tells you what he taught women.
Who are householders? What are their duties? Read about the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna on worldly life.