Hinduism Group Therapy
Don’t simply be good. Become Great. Learn. Rise above the religious politics and become aware of who you are.
Join the free Hinduism Online Group about the real Hindu Philosophy. Understand the secrets of Hinduism.
Sign up for free and useful information from sacred Hindu texts and Hindu saints.
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Why Join This Group? There Are Many Hindu Groups Already!
Of course, there are many Hindu groups on the Internet, and WhatsApp, Telegram, etc.
Unfortunately, most of these Hindu Groups are engaged in activities that are less pro-Hinduism and more anti-others.
Hinduism Online Group is a Telegram group based on Swami Vivekananda’s dream of Hinduism that incorporates people from all walks of life: A Hinduism that would accept saints and sinners alike.
This is not about conversions or Ghar-Wapsi. Everyone is free to follow the path to moksha. Everyone is free to follow the path that best suits them. The Hinduism Online Group aims to learn the truth about Hindu Philosophy so that you can live a better life.
What Do You Gain?
1. Knowledge and Mental Peace
2. Free access to resources created by Powercut Media.
3. Lessons from the Bhagavad Gita.
4. Enlightening words from Swami Vivekananda and other Hindu Saints.
5. Learn from the Vedas, Upanishads, Devi Gita, Vishnu Purana, Shiva Purana, and other sacred texts.
6. Ask questions on Hinduism; discuss Hindu philosophy and spirituality topics.
Why Am I Doing This?
I don’t know. I hope to learn things by sharing what I discover on my spiritual journey. I want to know your point of view on different topics related to Hinduism.
Feel free to ask for free resources by sending me a message and check out the FREE DOWNLOADS page on this site.